You can find more information about the Pan European Seal Program, which allows paid internships in EUIPO or EPO, 
at the following links:
A. Links from the EUIPO website: 
(In this link, pay particular attention to the description of the qualifications that the ideal candidate must have). 
(In this link pay particular attention to the important dates for applications and the whole process, 
as well as the two online Mandatory Courses you must have attended to apply - you can register and attend now). 
(In this link pay particular attention to the formal qualifications required).
B. Links from the EPO website: (general program info - 
pay particular attention to the Timeline, i.e. the schedule with the important dates) (more detailed info - pay special attention to the two online mandatory courses that are required to have been completed)
Pay attention to the following:
The dates mentioned on the websites refer to the program of the previous year (2021-2022) which is already in progress. 
You will participate in the program for the period 2023-2024. However, corresponding dates are valid each year. 
You do not apply directly to EUIPO / EPO. First apply to our Law School. A selection is made by our Law School (up to 10 candidates for EUIPO and up to 10 for EPO). 
We are not allowed to recommend the same student in both Organizations. 
If you are pre-selected by our Law School, then you will need to apply online yourselves directly to EUIPO / EPO. 
Then, there will be a process evaluation conducted by the two Organizations that includes an interview with them. 
The final results will be announced around June 2023. 
For those who will be selected, the internship starts around October 2023 and lasts 1 year.
The final selection will be made exclusively by EUIPO / EPO. Our Law School simply suggests 10 + 10 of its pre-selected students. 
Thus, if you have not been pre-selected by the Law School, you cannot apply to EUIPO / EPO. 
EUIPO / EPO is not committed to select someone from our Law School. 
However, 5 of our students were selected by EUIPO and 1 by EPO last year. 
Those who apply must be determined that if you are finally selected by the EUIPO / EPO, you will do the traineeship next year. 
It wouldn't be proper to change your mind at the last minute.
As you will see, a requirement for your selection by EUIPO / EPO is that you must have attended some online courses that offer. 
These are without tuition fees. You are able to attend these courses now by registering online. 
They are simple and short courses, 
not very demanding and more informative on basic legal issues of intellectual property. 
Pre-selection by the Law School is based on purely academic criteria 
(especially a bachelor's degree and any postgraduate degrees you have already completed) 
as well as a language proficiency criterion in the official languages ​​of EUIPO / EPO. 
An announcement will be made by our Law School regarding the submission of applications for your preselection. 
The salary given by EUIPO is 1000 € and by EPO is 2000 € per month. 
This internship is usually the first step that can lead you to a permanent career in these Organizations. 
This Traineeship Program is open only to postgraduate students of the LLM of Commercial Law (all three directions) 
and IELS postgraduate students, Private Law specialisation only. 
This choice has been made by the EUIPO / EPO themselves.