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Law School

Legal Philosophy

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Akadimias str., 45, 10680 / 3st Floor, Room 8| tel.: +30 210 – 3688609 |


Vassilis Voutsakis is Professor in Philosophy of Law. He completed his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Law (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens) in 1981 and his graduate studies at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas (DEA de philosophie de droit, 1983), at the University of Paris I Sorbonne (DEA d’histoire de philosophie, 1984) and at the University of Montpellier I (Doctorat d’Etat en droit public, 1993). He has been Visiting Fellow at the Princeton University. He has taught at the Department of Media and at the Department of History and Archaeology (graduate studies) and he is teaching at the Department of Early Childhood Education (post-graduate studies) of the University of Athens.

His areas of interest are philosophy of law, methodology of law, political philosophy and ethics. He is the author of Privacy. A theory of a right (Ed. Sakkoula, to be published, 2020) and Culture and the State (Ed. Polis, to be published, 2020) as well as numerous articles in Greece and abroad.


1. Books

Privacy. A theory of a right (Ed. Sakkoula, to be published, 2020)

Culture and the State (Ed. Polis, to be published, 2020)

2. Articles and Contributions in Collective Works

«Moral Autonomy and Liberty», ARSP Beiheft (to be published, 2020)

«The right and the good: from morality to law («Oρθό και αγαθό: από την ηθική προς το δίκαιο»), in FS for Thanassis Papachristou [ΤιμητικόΤόμοΘανάσηΠαπαχρήστου (2019)], pp. 208-240

«Political rights: between democracy and moral autonomy» [«Πολιτικά δικαιώματα: μεταξύ δημοκρατίας και ηθικής αυτονομίας»), in Foundation of the Parliament (ed.), Social and Political Representation. Challenges and Perspectives for Democracy in the 21st Century [Ίδρυμα της Βουλής [επιμ.], Κοινωνικήκαιπολιτικήεκπροσώπηση. Προκλήσεις και προοπτικές στη δημοκρατία τον 21ο αιώνα (2019), pp. 57-74

«Cultivation of arts, cultivation of citizens?» [«Καλλιέργεια των τεχνών, καλλιέργεια των πολιτών;]», in Foundation of the Parliament (ed.), Arts and Democracy (2019), [Ίδρυμα της Βουλής (επιμ.), Τέχνη και Δημοκρατία (2019)], pp. 45-52

«Why should the state protect the cultural heritage? The answer offered by Greek law», in S.Voutsaki and P. Cartledge (eds.), Ancient Monuments and Modern Identities: towards a critical history of archaeology in 19th and 20th century Greece (London, 2017), pp. 200-211

«Privacy and private law» [«Ιδιωτικός βίος και ιδιωτικό δίκαιο»], ToSyntagma3-4 (2016) [Το Σύνταγμα 3-4 (2016)], pp. 661-690

«Droits et obligations chez Ronald Dworkin», in Jean-Louis Autin - Lorence Weil (éd.), Mélanges Michel Miaille (Montpellier, 2009), pp. 85-100

«Die ökonomische Handlungsfreiheit im Lichte neuster Entwicklungen der griechischen Rechtssprechung», in Karl Riesenhuber – Ioannis Karakostas (Hrsg.), Inhaltskontrolle im nationalen und Europäischen Privatrecht. Deutsch-griechische Perspektiven (Berlin, 2009), pp. 27-45

«Synteknoi and immigrants. Obstacles to multiculturalism in Greece» [«Σύντεκνοι και μετανάστες. Εμπόδια της πολυπολιτισμικότητας στην Ελλάδα»], Introduction to A. Renaud – S. Mesure, Alter Ego, transl. into Greek(Αthens, 2005), pp. 7-44

«Between communitarianism and liberalism: the itinerary of Michael Walzer» («Μεταξύ κοινοτισμού και φιλελευθερισμού: η πορεία του Michael Walzer»], Introduction to Michael Walzer, Thick and Thin (Ηηθικήεντόςκαιεκτόςτωνσυνόρων) (Αthens, 2003), pp. 9-71

«The realism of realists» («Ο ρεαλισμός των ρεαλιστών»), in A. Manitakis – A. Takis (eds.), Terrorism and Rights. From the security of law to the insecurity of law [Αντ. Μανιτάκη – Α. Τάκη (επιμ.), Τρομοκρατία και Δικαιώματα. Από την ασφάλεια του δικαίου στην ανασφάλεια δικαίου] (Αthens, 2004), pp. 91-110 

«Economic freedom, general interest and legislative measures of financial politics» [«Οικονομική ελευθερία, γενικό συμφέρον και νομοθετικά μέτρα οικονομικής πολιτικής»], in TwentyYearsoftheConstitutionof 1975 [Tα Εικοσάχρονα του Συντάγματος 1975](Αthens, 1997), pp. 387-408


Vassilis Voutsakis is Vice-Director of the Philosophy of Law Laboratory. He is the editor of Isopoliteia, a philosophy of law periodical.