Akadimias 45, 2nd floor, Room 5 | e-mail: svlacho@law.uoa.gr | Tel.: 210-3688605
Spyridon Vlachopoulos completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Athens (1995) and his PhD at the Law School of the University of Munich. Title of PhD thesis: “Freedom of art and protection of youth’’, published in the Series “Schriften zum öffentichen Recht”, (1996, Duncker und Humblot).
His areas of interest are Constitutional Law, Fundamental Rights, National and International Protection of Fundamental Rights (for Erasmus students in English and German), Political and Constitutional History, Applications of Constitutional and Administrative Law.
He is author of several scientific articles in the field of Public Law, especially Constitutional Law, Constitutional History and Data Protection Law. He has published the following books: 1. ’’Aspects of judicial protection before the Council of State’’ (1998). 2. ‘’The right to petition according to Greek and European Community Law’’ (1998). 3. ‘’Privatization: The constitutional framework of a political decision’’ (1999). 4. ‘’Cloning in Greek legal order’’ (2000). 5. ‘’Transparency of states actions and personal data protection’’ (2007). 6. The crisis of parliamentarianism during the interwar period and the end of the Second Greek Republic in 1935. The institutional aspects of an economic crisis? (2012), 7. ‘’The Dynamic Interpretation of the Constitution: The adjustment of the constitutional text to the changing conditions’’ (2014). 8. “Fundamental Rights” (Collective Work, 2017). 9. “Civil and Social Rights”, 4th edition (with Kostas Chrysogonos). 10. ‘‘Dilemmas of Greek Constitutional History (20th century). A historian writes about the Constitution and a constitutionalist about history’’ (with Evanthis Chatzivassileiou, 2018). 11. ‘’Τhe constitutional dimensions of the change of jurisprudence’’ (2019).
Since 1992 he is an attorney at Law, specialized in Public Law cases (e.g.: Protection of Fundamental Rights, Environmental Law, Public Procurement Law, Civil Servants Law), mainly before the Council of State (the highest Greek Administrative Court). He has been a member of several legislative Committees. He is member of the Greek Data Protection Authority and of the Academic Board of the “Academy of Transparency and Human Rights for Good Governance” of the European Public Law Organization. He is the President of the Commission for the Assessment of the Quality of the Law – Making Process.