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Law School

Criminal Law

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Athanasia Dionysopoulou completed her undergraduate studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens where she also pursued an LL.M in criminal law and criminal procedure law. She received her doctorate from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/Main. 

She is an Assistant Professor in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Faculty of Law), where she teaches courses both at the undergraduate and postgraduate level. She also teaches as an adjunct professor at Hellenic Open University. In addition to her academic role, she serves as a Scientific Associate in the Hellenic Parliament. Her main responsibilities are commenting on submitted bills and handling questions on national provisions submitted by foreign governments. She is an attorney-at-law (Member of the Athens Bar Association) specialized in criminal law. She speaks English, German and French.

She has published books and various articles on criminal law and criminal procedure both at national and European level. She is the author of the books “The defendant’s right to examine the witnesses against him (Art. 6.par.3d ECHR)- How the common law perception and the jurisprudence of ECtHR affect the Greek criminal procedure”, “The evaluation of incidentally obtained evidence in criminal proceeding” and “The crime of money laundering. Analysis of the art. 261 German Penal Code”.


a) Books

1. The defendant’s right to examine the witnesses against him (Art. 6.par.3d ECHR)- How the common law perception and the jurisprudence of ECtHR affect the Greek criminal procedure, Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2017.

2. The evaluation of incidentally obtained evidence in criminal proceedings. Publishing Ant. Sakkoulas, Series: “Penal” number 79, Athens –Komotini 2009.

3. The crime of money laundering. Analysis of the art. 261 German Penal Code (Der Tatbestand der Geldwäsche. Eine Analyse der dogmatischen Grundlagen des § 261 StGB) in german, Lang Frankfurt/Main, Berlin, Bern, N. York, Paris, Wien 1999.

b) Articles and Contributions in Collective Works (indicative list)

1. Das Konfrontationsrecht des Beschuldigten in der jüngsten Rechtsprechung des EGMR nach dem Urteil Schatschaschwili gegen Deutschland, ZIS, 10/2017, S. 629.

2. Admissibility and confidentiality of communications- The example of incidentally obtained evidence, in Exclusionary rule in criminal procedure (ed.Papaxaralambous Charis), Sakkoulas pub. 2015, page 111 et seq.

3. Prognostic decisions in criminal procedural law, The example of temporary detention due to the risk of new offenses, Poinika Chronika 2013, p.14 et seq.

4. Articles 11-116 (limitation by time) of Penal Code in A. Charalapakis, Penal Code Interpretation per article, Athens 2011, page 1127 et seq.

5. “The abuse of power in the form of saving the perpetrator from punishment”, Poiniki Dikaiosini 2010, page 476 et seq.

6. Reflexions on bribery in the private sector (article 5, Law 3560/2007), page 49 et seq. in the Honorary Volume for Argyrios Karras 2010.

7. Defence counsel’s privilege and interception of telephone communications in the Honorary Volume for Anna Psarouda – Benaki 2008, page 821 et seq

8. Historical grounds of the fair trial and of the principle of fair hearing in the volume: L. Kotsalis and D. Kioupis (Editing), History of penal law and penal institutions, in Series Penal, Volume 71, Athens - Komotini 2007, pages 473-488.

9. EC Fraud – Articles four – six of Law 2803/2000 and Laundering of the proceeds of crime - Law 2331/95 in the volume: N. Kourakis (editing)/ D. Ziouvas (…), Economic crimes II, Athens - Komotini 2007, pages 95-113 and 275-295 respectively.


Athanasia Dionysopoulou is a member of the Advisory Board of Journal “Poinika Chronika” and she was also a member of the Advisory Board of Journal “Nomiko Vima” published by the Athens Bar Association. She participated at the Central Advisory Scientific Council for penitentiary institutions at the Ministry of Justice and represented Greece at various European meetings. She was a member of a team responsible for the preparation of national risk assessment report (NRA report) on money laundering and financing of terrorism and currently a member of a working group evaluating certain aspects of mutual recognition of judgments and judicial decisions. She participated as a legal expert and Project leader in various IPA Twinning Projects in Serbia and Albania.