Following the completion of the evaluation procedure, the General Assembly of the Athens Law School decided that the following students (identified by their registration number) of the LL.M. in International and European Legal Studies are exempted from the obligation to pay tuition fees:
LL.M. course Private Law and Business Transactions
1. 7340020120008
2. 7340020120014
3. 7340020120016
4. 7340020120024
5. 7340020120019 (entitled to 50% discount)
LL.M. course International and European Law
1. 7340020220011
2. 7340020220012
3. 7340020220016
4. 7340020220017
5. 7340020220020
LL.M. students whose application for a fee waiver was not accepted, shall submit the first instalment of the tuition fees from Monday 25 January to Friday 29 January 2021 to the following account:
Holder's Name : Special Account for Research Grants of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Eιδικός Λογαριασμός Kονδυλίων Έρευνας του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Aθηνών)
Branch : 101
Address : 40 Stadiou str., 102 52 Athens, Greece
Account Number : 802002001000227
ΙΒΑΝ : GR0301408020802002001000227